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St. Dom's Day of Giving 2025 - Help Us Buy A Shuttle Bus


Catholic Schools Week is here and St. Dom's is celebrating by challenging our committed community to help us buy a shuttle bus! Hop aboard and let’s make this happen together!





St. Dom's needs to raise $20,000 to purchase a white shuttle bus and we are almost halfway there.  Can you get us the rest of the way?

Our Departure Point:

St. Dom's buses have been our faithful shuttles for many years. They have served admirably, never complaining and always doing what they are told, but some of them have reached the end of their useful lives and no longer can transport children safely. The time has come for them to retire from service and hand off the wheels to their younger counterparts.


Our Passengers:

Students and staff! Athletes and club members! Field trip attendees and their chaperones!

Groups at the Auburn campus who need to get to the Lewiston campus.

Groups at the Lewiston campus who need to get to the Auburn campus.

In our own unique way, every one of us in the SDA community depends on buses to transport either ourselves or someone we care about to somewhere special.


By the end of Giving Tuesday, we hope to have the funds to purchase a safe, reliable shuttle bus to get students from A to B and make plenty of stops on the way.



SHARE our cause on social media. Use the hashtag #StDomsBuyAShuttleBus to tag your friends, family, and others on FB, X, Instagram, and Youtube.

SHARE the donation QR Code with Friends and family.



DONATE any amount you can to the cause!

Let’s make this SDA Day of Giving count. Click the donate button below to make your gift to The St. Dom’s Help Us Buy a Bus Campaign.